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Can I Give My Dog Human Vitamins?

One of the most common questions pet owners have is, “Can I give my dog human vitamins?” After all, our pets are a part of our family and we want them to be as healthy and happy as possible.

A List Of The 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds

Just like people, some dogs are far more energetic than others. It’s important to know this as a high energy pup will not fit into every lifestyle. For example, if you don’t have a lot of time to walk your pup, or dont have a yard for them to run in, a high energy dog...

My Dog Sleeps With Eyes Open: Is Something Wrong?

Pet parents are used to seeing their pup sleep most of the day. But when a dog sleeps with eyes open, that can be a little unsettling. Is there any significance to your dog’s behavior? Is your dog simply dreaming while sleeping, or is there something wrong? Here’s a...

Puppy Pad Training: How To Housetrain Your Dog To Use A Potty Pad Or Pee Pad

A lot of pet parents turn to puppy pad training as a part of their beginning puppy training routine. In a lot of instances, this sort of potty-training aid is indispensable. You might, for instance, live in an apartment in a busy section of town, making frequent trips...

The Easiest Way To Potty Train A New Puppy: Potty Training Tips And Tricks For Dog Parents

The easiest way to potty train your new puppy is to have plenty of patience and a lot of love. Training a dog, no matter what their age may be, takes some effort. But as long as you stay patient and use positive reinforcement, potty training a puppy doesn't need to be...

Recent Dog Articles

How To Deshed Your Dog And Why You Should Always Do It

Shedding is something that many pet owners must face at some stage. And as most dog owners can tell you, a shedding pup – whether short hair or fur ball, Labrador Retriever or Bernese Mountain Dog – can be a chore. Excessive dog shedding can be a common issue for dog...

How To Stop Dog Toenail Bleeding

As many pet owners and veterinarians can tell you, taking care of your animal’s nails is important. But no matter how well behaved your pet may be, a nail trim can be tedious. Dogs nails may be one of the trickiest types of nail trims, and cutting that leads to dog...

Dog Owners, Know Your Pet: Do Dogs Have Hair Or Fur?

Do dogs have hair or fur? It’s a very good question. One that even dog experts have long pondered. Read on to find out the answer to this mysterious question pet owners want to know... Do Dogs Have Hair Or Fur? Here’s the answer you’ve long been waiting...

General Health Information for your Miniature Schnauzer

Don’t you love those little bearded ladies… and gentlemen? The miniature schnauzer is one of the cutest pup breeds on the block. Not only are they cute, but they’re smart too. And you may have noticed your mini schnauzer is a bit of a clown. Indeed, schnauzers are...

General Health Information For Your Husky Dog

Are you a pet parent to a husky dog? Read about general health information regarding your husky’s fur, skin, eyes, ears, etc. The more you know about husky health, the better. This knowledge can help you keep your husky energetic and healthy. Huskies are incredible...

A Quick Guide To The Golden Shepherd

The golden shepherd dog showers love and affection and is extremely intelligent. This golden retriever – German shepherd mix is also easy to train. It’s no wonder this clever dog is one of the more popular breeds. Golden Shepherd Health Like many dogs, the golden...

Help! My Dog Can’t Poop

Constipation affects dogs just like it does humans. So, what can you do to help? Do you need to change the brand of dog food your canine companion is eating? Is constipation a sign that something’s wrong with your dog’s health? Let’s take a look at a few...

Lethargic Dog? This Could Be Why…

Lethargy in dogs can be a scary thing for pet owners to see. A lethargic dog may have some sort of stomach bug, or something else less serious — but there’s also a chance your pet could be suffering from one of many potential health problems. These are important to...

Dogs and Milk – Not a Great Combination

As you’re enjoying your morning cereal, a certain four-legged, furry family member is giving you that look. You know the one: “Please, please can I have some of whatever goodness is in that bowl?” But can dogs drink milk? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think....

Why is My Dog Scratching So Much?

If you notice your dog scratching on a regular basis, it’s natural to wonder why it’s happening. Itching is never fun. It can cause skin irritation, dry skin, and it can even end up being painful for your dog. Naturally, you want some dog itching remedies to give your...

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

A dog breathing fast may be a cause for concern for pet owners. This is especially the case for people with older dogs. Sometimes, this is normal — some adult dogs, and even puppies, just breathe fast. But other times it’s not normal. It’s important to know the...

How to Introduce Cats to Dogs

Knowing how to introduce cats to dogs might seem daunting. It will take some effort, but you shouldn’t dread it. After all, you’re bringing home a new family member! And yes, dogs and cats can get along great. It may take some time for yours to gel, so you’ll need to...

Tips on How to Introduce a New Puppy to an Older Dog

If you’ve just gotten a new puppy, congratulations! And if you have an older dog in the house, you’ll want to be sure that your old and new pups get along well. Learning how to introduce a new puppy to an older dog can be challenging, but the rewards are great. The...

How to Introduce Dogs to Each Other

Bringing a new pup into the family is exciting! But if you already have a dog, it’s important that you know how to introduce dogs to each other in the easiest, most stress-free manner possible.

How to Introduce Your New Pet to the Family

Welcoming a new pet to your family is a beautiful thing. To make sure everything goes smoothly, when it comes to introducing pets to each other, you’ll want to have a plan in place. You want to make sure that everyone adjusts to each other as quickly and problem free...

Is a High Energy Dog Breed Right for You?

High energy dogs can be loving, loyal companions for years – just like other dogs. But if your lifestyle is low key, high energy dogs might not be a great fit. You might be better off considering low energy dogs, rather than bringing home a hyper dog. Here are a few...

Can Dogs Eat Grapes? The Answer is Truly Life-Saving

Last Updated May 31st, 2019 Grapes are a great snack for humans – they taste fantastic, and they’re also nutritious. But can dogs eat grapes? The answer to that question is a resounding, “no.” It cannot be stressed enough: you need to keep this type of...

Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs

Nothing is worse than an itch that won’t go away. This is especially true when your pup is the itchy one. But not everyone wants to resort to medicine. To keep your dog comfortable, you should explore home remedies for itchy dogs. What’s Making Your Dog Itch There are...

What Should You Do if You Find a Tick on Your Dog?

It’s not uncommon for pet owners to find ticks on dogs. This is especially true if your pet likes to romp around in the yard or the woods. But ticks are serious business, and they can lead to severe symptoms. They feed on blood, and they can cause several serious...

Fostering a Dog – What It Entails and Is It Right For You?

Fostering a dog is a rewarding experience – as long as you’re cut out for it. Bringing an animal into your home can save a life. Far too many shelter animals don’t ever find their forever home. Fostering gives them a chance! But if you’re thinking about fostering one...

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Foam – What Might It Mean?

It’s never fun when your dog is vomiting, of course. But when your beloved pet throws up yellow liquid, that can be downright scary. Why is this happening? Is a dog throwing up yellow foam a sign of a stomach ulcer, or something else serious? If this...

Stomach Aches in Dogs – Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

It’s not uncommon for dog owners to see their pup experiencing stomach discomfort or issues with their dog’s poop. But just because a dog stomach ache may be normal, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. If you take the right action, you could...

How Fleas and Ticks Affect Your Pet’s Health

If you’re a pet owner, you probably have a great deal of experience dealing with fleas and ticks. Even dogs and cats who primarily stay inside can attract these annoying – and potentially dangerous – pests. That’s why it’s so important to know the health risks ticks...

Are Bananas Good for Dogs? (can dogs eat bananas?)

You love Fido, and it’s hard to say no. This is especially true when you’re enjoying a quick snack and your beloved pup starts begging for you to share. If you happen to be eating a banana, you may wonder… are bananas good for dogs? Naturally, you want to...

Everything You Need to Know About Worms in Dog Poop

It’s probably not at the top of the list of things you want to do today, but take a good look at your dog’s fecal matter the next time they do their “business.” If you see worms in dog poop, see your vet immediately. This likely means your pooch is...

Why Do Dogs Sigh? (these reasons might surprise you!)

Is there anything as adorably cute or funny as when your dog lies down, puts its head on its forepaws, then lets out an audible sigh? Have you ever stopped to consider the question: why do dogs sigh? Sometimes, when your dog sighs, it seems like they’re just as...

Beware! These Plants are Poisonous for Dogs

You know some human foods can be harmful to dogs — and you know not to leave these foods, like chocolate, anywhere your dog might find them. But there’s another danger that can be downright fatal to your beloved pet, and it’s somewhat trickier  –– plants...

Paw Chewing: What Does This Strange Dog Behavior Mean?

A dog chewing paws can be a troubling sight for a pet owner. You’re having a relaxing evening at home, watching TV or reading a book, when you notice your dog gnawing at their paws. Suddenly, your mood changes, as you listen to the sounds of your beloved pooch going...

Best Family Dogs for Kids: 8 Breeds You Don’t Want to Miss

Adding a dog to your family can be a wonderful experience, especially if you have young children. The best family dogs are loving, loyal companions who can help teach your kids important lessons, such as responsibility and how to cooperate. There are many different...

Finding Mucus In Dog Poop – Should You Be Concerned?

We have a keen eye for abnormalities in our dog’s health whether we notice our dog throwing up yellow foam, or we see odd things in their poop. Taking care of our four-legged friends can be incredibly rewarding, and there isn’t much you won’t do to keep...

Can I Safely Give Omega-3 Supplements To My Dog?

Omega-3 fatty acids have become quite the buzzword in health and wellness news in recent years – for both humans and their pets. Part of this is because the excessive consumption of heavily processed foods has left canines and their owners starved of essential...