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<hr style="display: inline-block;"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h2 class="blog-section-title">Recent Dog Behavior Articles</h2>
Why Is My Dog Panting So Much? Is It Normal?

Why Is My Dog Panting So Much? Is It Normal?

Why is my dog panting so much? If you’re asking yourself this question, know that there are many potential reasons. All dogs pant, occasionally. But when they don’t stop after an extended amount of time, you’ll want to see your veterinarian about the...

Info For Pet Parents: Why Does My Dog Nibble On Me?

Info For Pet Parents: Why Does My Dog Nibble On Me?

Why does my dog nibble on me? Pet owners have been asking themselves that question for a long, long time. There are actually a lot of reasons this might be happening with your pup, and they might surprise you. While there are some instances where a dog...

Why Is My Dog Biting His Foot?

Why Is My Dog Biting His Foot?

Just about every dog owner has asked, “What is my dog biting his foot for?” at one time or another. This might be happening for several reasons. Some potential dog biting foot causes are relatively minor. Only your veterinarian can truly determine why this behavior is...

Why Do Dogs Dig And How To Stop Dogs From Digging?

Why Do Dogs Dig And How To Stop Dogs From Digging?

Digging is a natural doggy trait that dogs do for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, your lawn or garden bed can pay the price for your furry friend's inclination to dig. Dogs have many reasons that they head underground, so you’ll need to understand their...

Is Your Dog Sniffing Ground Too Much? Here’s Why

Is Your Dog Sniffing Ground Too Much? Here’s Why

It happens all the time: You take your dog out for a nice walk, hoping to help your best buddy get some exercise. But your dog sniffing ground constantly interrupts the walking flow. A lot. Keep in mind that while stopping and sniffing may be frustrating to you, it’s...

My Dog Sleeps With Eyes Open: Is Something Wrong?

My Dog Sleeps With Eyes Open: Is Something Wrong?

Pet parents are used to seeing their pup sleep most of the day. But when a dog sleeps with eyes open, that can be a little unsettling. Is there any significance to your dog’s behavior? Is your dog simply dreaming while sleeping, or is there something wrong? Here’s a...

How To Calm Down A Puppy Who Is Over-Excited

How To Calm Down A Puppy Who Is Over-Excited

You’re probably going to have to learn how to calm down a puppy from time to time. Puppies are like children in a lot of ways. They can get the “zoomies” seemingly out of nowhere. Calming down a high-energy puppy isn’t hard, but it will take some effort and time. Here...

Dog Chewing Wood? Learn Why They Do It And How To Stop Them

Dog Chewing Wood? Learn Why They Do It And How To Stop Them

A dog chewing wood really isn’t all that uncommon. In fact, it happens a lot more often than you might think. Dogs tend to engage in all sorts of inappropriate chewing – if they can put it in their mouth, they’ll probably chew happily for hours if you let them. But...

Food Aggression In Dogs: What To Do And How To Control

Food Aggression In Dogs: What To Do And How To Control

Food aggression in dogs is obviously a disturbing problem. One minute your beloved companion is seemingly enjoying a peaceful meal out of their food bowl, and the next minute, your sweet puppy is lashing out, either at you or one of your other pets. Why does this type...

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

Just about every dog owner, at one time or another, has wondered, “Why do dogs chase their tails?” Tail chasing can be cute. But obsessive chasing could be a sign of a mental or physical issue that needs to be checked out by a veterinarian. Here are a few of the...

How To Stop Your Puppy From Barking At Other Dogs Or Even People

How To Stop Your Puppy From Barking At Other Dogs Or Even People

Would you give anything to stop puppy barking? When puppies bark excessively, it can really put a strain on your new relationship. The same thing goes for excessive barking in adult dogs. Thankfully, there are lots of ways you can address this situation and find the...

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Do you have a couple of howling dogs on your hands? If you do, you know how frustrating this type of vocal communication can be. But why do they do it? Are they looking for special attention? Are they employing a good defense mechanism to warn of potential predators...

Should You Encourage Different Pet Species To Be Friends?

Should You Encourage Different Pet Species To Be Friends?

The world of pet ownership can feel divided along very specific lines - dog people and cat people. Maybe you don’t need to choose sides. With a little patience and training, you could enjoy the best of both worlds. Cat and dog not just living together, but cat playing...

Can Dogs See Any Colors or Are They Totally Color Blind?

Can Dogs See Any Colors or Are They Totally Color Blind?

The answer to the question of, “Can dogs see any colors?” isn’t black and white – even though researchers thought for years that those are the only two colors a dog’s eyes can process. In fact, that myth has been around since 1937, when a writer named Will Judy...

Post Bath Time Dog Zoomies: Why Do Dogs Go Crazy After A Bath?

Post Bath Time Dog Zoomies: Why Do Dogs Go Crazy After A Bath?

Dog zoomies. The washtub runaround. Bubble bonanza. Call it what you will. Lots of dogs seem to go bananas after a bath or shower. It’s generally harmless behavior and not cause for much concern. But, why do dogs go crazy after a bath? Turns out, there are a number of...

Info For Pet Parents: Why Does My Dog Lick My Ears?

Info For Pet Parents: Why Does My Dog Lick My Ears?

It happens when you least expect it: You’re lounging on the couch with your best four-legged buddy relaxing after a long day. Suddenly, you feel it… a wet, cold, canine tongue in your ear canal. Your pup seems perfectly thrilled with this, but you’re not. So now...

What Does It Mean When A Dog Yawns? It’s More Than You Might Think

What Does It Mean When A Dog Yawns? It’s More Than You Might Think

What does it mean when a dog yawns? It’s complicated. You might just assume your canine companion yawns because they’re tired or bored. After all, those are the main reasons you yawn, right? Fatigue and boredom can definitely lead to canine yawning, but there may be...

Why Do Dogs Pace And What Can You Do To Help Your Anxious Dog?

Why Do Dogs Pace And What Can You Do To Help Your Anxious Dog?

As you watch your dog continually walk back and forth across your living room floor, you might wonder - why do dogs pace? Humans may pace when they’re anxious or deep in thought. Is it the same for your furry best friend? Is something wrong? There could be a lot of...

The Difference Between Male And Female Dogs (Behavior And Health)

The Difference Between Male And Female Dogs (Behavior And Health)

Is there a difference between male and female dogs when it comes to their health and the way they behave? Is one gender more prone to aggressive behavior, while the other is more affectionate? Let’s take a look at how males and females differ in terms of personality....

Strange Dog Behavior: Weird Pup Habits And What They Mean

Strange Dog Behavior: Weird Pup Habits And What They Mean

If you own a dog, then you’ve probably seen them do some funny things like barking at the mirror or chasing their tail. These wacky antics can be nothing more than a dog having fun, but some strange dog behavior actually conveys a message. Read below to learn about...

Pet Behavior: How To Get A Scared Dog To Trust You

Pet Behavior: How To Get A Scared Dog To Trust You

Learning how to get a scared dog to trust you can be challenging, and it does take some effort. If you have a shy or nervous dog, a little patience and a lot of love will go a long way. Here are some tips to help your dog get over their fear and become a furry friend...

Pet Care Tips For Tall And Large Breed Dogs

Pet Care Tips For Tall And Large Breed Dogs

Interested in adding a large breed dog to your household? A big, lovable giant can offer you a lot of plus-sized affection and fun. But, large breed dogs do require some special attention to ensure they grow up (and up) healthy and happy. Check out some of the pet...

10 Intriguing Differences Between Cats And Dogs: Info For Pet Owners

10 Intriguing Differences Between Cats And Dogs: Info For Pet Owners

Have you ever thought about the differences between dogs and cats? After all, both animals have four legs and two ears. How different can they be? Cat people might be different from dog people, as far as humans go. But the animals themselves are pretty similar, right?...

Why Do Dogs Howl At Sirens?

Why Do Dogs Howl At Sirens?

It happens every single time. You’re sitting at home with your beloved pooch, when suddenly, you hear a siren outside. Your dog immediately hops up and begins to howl. Why do dogs howl at sirens as they pass by? Come to think of it, why do dogs howl when they hear...

Tips on How to Calm a Nervous Dog Before Going to the Groomer

Tips on How to Calm a Nervous Dog Before Going to the Groomer

If you’ve ever taken your dog to the groomer and they started to shake, wince, or bark uncontrollably, you probably felt awful. You may have had no idea that your pup was so anxious. Read on to learn how to calm a nervous dog and make your next trip to the groomer...

Help! My Dog Can’t Poop

Help! My Dog Can’t Poop

Constipation affects dogs just like it does humans. So, what can you do to help? Do you need to change the brand of dog food your canine companion is eating? Is constipation a sign that something’s wrong with your dog’s health? Let’s take a look at a few...

Lethargic Dog? This Could Be Why…

Lethargic Dog? This Could Be Why…

Lethargy in dogs can be a scary thing for pet owners to see. A lethargic dog may have some sort of stomach bug, or something else less serious — but there’s also a chance your pet could be suffering from one of many potential health problems. These are important to...

Why is My Dog Scratching So Much?

Why is My Dog Scratching So Much?

If you notice your dog scratching on a regular basis, it’s natural to wonder why it’s happening. Itching is never fun. It can cause skin irritation, dry skin, and it can even end up being painful for your dog. Naturally, you want some dog itching remedies to give your...

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

A dog breathing fast may be a cause for concern for pet owners. This is especially the case for people with older dogs. Sometimes, this is normal — some adult dogs, and even puppies, just breathe fast. But other times it’s not normal. It’s important to know the...

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Foam – What Might It Mean?

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Foam – What Might It Mean?

It’s never fun when your dog is vomiting, of course. But when your beloved pet throws up yellow liquid, that can be downright scary. Why is this happening? Is a dog throwing up yellow foam a sign of a stomach ulcer, or something else serious? If this...

Why Do Dogs Sigh? (these reasons might surprise you!)

Why Do Dogs Sigh? (these reasons might surprise you!)

Is there anything as adorably cute or funny as when your dog lies down, puts its head on its forepaws, then lets out an audible sigh? Have you ever stopped to consider the question: why do dogs sigh? Sometimes, when your dog sighs, it seems like they’re just as...

Strange Dog Behavior: Why is My Dog Licking the Floor?

Strange Dog Behavior: Why is My Dog Licking the Floor?

Dog licking can be a very frustrating experience for a pet owner. Whether a dog is licking their paws, their pet parents, or the furniture, it’s an odd quirk that can be irksome for owners. And when it comes to licking, dogs often like licking surfaces,...

Paw Chewing: What Does This Strange Dog Behavior Mean?

Paw Chewing: What Does This Strange Dog Behavior Mean?

A dog chewing paws can be a troubling sight for a pet owner. You’re having a relaxing evening at home, watching TV or reading a book, when you notice your dog gnawing at their paws. Suddenly, your mood changes, as you listen to the sounds of your beloved pooch going...

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? (and is it something to worry about?)

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? (and is it something to worry about?)

It’s not at all uncommon to see your dog munching on grass in the backyard. But is this something that should worry you? Many pet owners wonder, “Why do dogs eat grass?” Is it something to worry about? Is it a sign of illness, or some other kind of...