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Are you a pet parent to a husky dog? Read about general health information regarding your husky’s fur, skin, eyes, ears, etc. The more you know about husky health, the better. This knowledge can help you keep your husky energetic and healthy.

Huskies are incredible dogs. You’ve seen these family pets pull sleds in a rescue unit. Or you’ve watched them compete in dog sled races, and even go for the gold at Kennel Club dog shows.

The husky dog is famous as a working dog. And they’re amazing pets. What can you do to make sure you are taking the best care of your best friend? Find some great tricks and tips for husky dog owners below.

Why Choose A Husky As Your Canine Companion?

When you and your family begin the search for your new pet, what is most important to you? Are you sitting on the fence about adding a husky to your home? Likely, this breed will tick a lot of boxes.

Huskies are…

  • Gentle, loyal, and perceptive
  • Great with kids, playful
  • Well-behaved, well-tempered, and they love affection

husky dog | Ultimate Pet NutritionFurthermore, your husky puppy is probably full of personality. These companions can be so loving. And if you start early, they can be trained to be a fun-loving member of your family.

Where Do Husky Dogs Come From?

Siberian huskies hail from Siberia. Makes sense, right? But early in the 20th century, these pets were brought to Alaska to work as sled dogs. In the northernmost parts of East Asia, the dogs were bred to exhibit stamina and strength in tough weather.

The husky is a medium-sized dog, and they love to be close to their humans. They require room to run, dig, chew, and tug. They’ll love lots of long walks — on and off-leash. When given the freedom to work out in these ways, the husky will display a great temperament.

Dog owners also delight in the fact that a husky puppy usually won’t bark much. But the dog will howl on occasion — especially if not given the chance to exercise. Also, huskies can live long, healthy lives (the average Husky lifespan is 12 to 15 years).1

The Husky is a Hero

Many people think of the husky as a dog bred just for sled dog races, but the husky has been a hero throughout history. In 1925, there was a diphtheria epidemic in Alaska. There was a way to stop the outbreak, but the necessary medicine was over 1,000 miles away.

Lead by a husky named Balto, a brigade of sled dogs carried medicine through harsh snowstorms. Balto’s team trekked the final 53 miles in less than 20 hours.

There’s even a statue of Balto in New York’s Central Park. Who knows? Maybe your adopted husky could make history too.2

husky dog | Ultimate Pet Nutrition


How To Anticipate And Minimize Husky Health Problems

As it turns out, certain breeds of dogs come with certain genetic health issues. Does that mean your pooch is guaranteed to have such issues? No. But certain breeds are more susceptible to certain risks than others.

Read on to discover more about how to keep your husky happy and healthy.

Which Health Problems Does A Husky Dog Commonly Face?

Problems With Teeth

Animals of all species and breeds can have problems with their teeth. And the husky puppy is no exception. In fact, the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) estimates 80 percent of dogs experience dental problems by age three.

Tartar can collect and build-up on your dog’s teeth. This build-up could lead to issues with your dog’s teeth and gums. So you’ll want to brush your dog’s teeth regularly.

Research enzymatic toothpaste to help your furry friend protect their smile. Your dog’s diet can affect their dental health, too. The right puppy food, dog food, and chew toys can help. Keep your husky’s teeth healthy by brushing them two times each week.

Check with your vet to see how often they recommend in-office teeth cleanings.

What Conditions Of The Eyes Might A Husky Experience?

It’s sad, but true: huskies are genetically predisposed to certain eye conditions. Those beautiful blue eyes need to be protected. Your vet should regularly check the eyes of any husky puppies or adult dogs you have.

Juvenile cataracts are also common in huskies. One of the tell-tale signs of cataracts in dogs is a cloudiness in the eyes.

Several breeds may lose eyesight as they age, and huskies are no exception.

husky dog | Ultimate Pet NutritionThere are also procedures that can help restore eyesight.

Even a good breeder will breed pups with eye issues. Progressive retinal atrophy is one such eye issue. It affects your dog’s photoreceptor cells, causing the cells in your dog’s eyes to deteriorate. This condition may lead to blindness.4

If you notice your dog’s eyesight deteriorating, call your vet immediately.

Hip Dysplasia In Huskies

Hip dysplasia can cause your dog’s hip joints (especially in their hind legs) to grow improperly. This can cause puffiness and discomfort. Unfortunately, hip dysplasia is common in huskies.

If your dog seems to struggle with their hind legs when getting up from a seated position or after lying down, take them to the vet. The sooner your vet knows about hip dysplasia, the better. There are ways to help your pup.

Laryngeal Paralysis in Huskies

The larynx is basically a dog’s voice box. It’s the part of the throat that allows the windpipe to close while eating and drinking. Conversely, it opens wide so your pooch can take a deep breath.

When the nerves in your laryngeal muscles get weak, the muscles have to relax. Then the cartilages can bend inwards. The result is laryngeal paralysis. The husky is prone to this condition.

If you notice your dog coughing or short of breath, get them to your vet’s office. These could be symptoms. Hot climates and difficult exercise could cause this condition. Also, try to use a harness instead of a collar that presses into your dog’s neck.5

husky dog | Ultimate Pet Nutrition


Making Your Husky’s Home A Sweet Home

Things to remember when you’re thinking about how to keep your husky healthy and happy…

  • Pay attention to your husky’s diet
  • Make sure you exercise your pup
  • Keep your dog’s teeth well-brushed
  • Brush their coat weekly
  • Visit your vet regularly

Play is a big part of having a husky. They have a high prey drive. That means they don’t generally do well with cats and small animals. And huskies do love a kennel. A kennel gives them shelter and makes them feel safe. So feel free to kennel-train your pup.

For A Happier, Healthier Husky

Your husky will be prone to shedding. Make sure you brush your dog every single week. They’ll love it, and you’ll see less hair around your house.

Again, allow your pooch to let out some energy every single day. Take them with you on a run or hike. Let your husky run the yard — but make sure you have a strong fence.

Make sure your pup has a great veterinarian. Sometimes symptoms confuse dog owners. But your vet will have the experience to recognize conditions that could be serious. Your husky is social and will love vet visits. They’ll certainly love a visit to the treat bowl on the way out.

Learn More:
A Quick Guide To The Golden Shepherd
Help! My Dog Can’t Poop
Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

1 https://thehappypuppysite.com/husky-lifespan/
2 http://www.centralparknyc.org/things-to-see-and-do/attractions/balto.html
3 https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/brushing-dogs-teeth-dental-hygiene-oral-canine/
4 https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/progressive-retinal-atrophy-in-dogs
5 https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/laryngeal-paralysis-in-dogs