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Can I Give My Dog Human Vitamins?

One of the most common questions pet owners have is, “Can I give my dog human vitamins?” After all, our pets are a part of our family and we want them to be as healthy and happy as possible.

A List Of The 10 Most Energetic Dog Breeds

Just like people, some dogs are far more energetic than others. It’s important to know this as a high energy pup will not fit into every lifestyle. For example, if you don’t have a lot of time to walk your pup, or dont have a yard for them to run in, a high energy dog...

My Dog Sleeps With Eyes Open: Is Something Wrong?

Pet parents are used to seeing their pup sleep most of the day. But when a dog sleeps with eyes open, that can be a little unsettling. Is there any significance to your dog’s behavior? Is your dog simply dreaming while sleeping, or is there something wrong? Here’s a...

What Are Some Of The Largest Dogs In The World? Check Out This List

Do your canine pets seem big enough for children to ride? Does the head of your large furry companion reach the kitchen counter? Ever wondered how big the largest dogs in the world are? You’ve come to the right place. You may have heard of some of these large dog...

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

A dog breathing fast may be a cause for concern for pet owners. This is especially the case for people with older dogs. Sometimes, this is normal — some adult dogs, and even puppies, just breathe fast. But other times it’s not normal. It’s important to know the...

Recent Dog Articles

Lethargic Dog? This Could Be Why…

Lethargic Dog? This Could Be Why…

Lethargy in dogs can be a scary thing for pet owners to see. A lethargic dog may have some sort of stomach bug, or something else less serious — but there’s also a chance your pet could be suffering from one of many potential health problems. These are important to...

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?

A dog breathing fast may be a cause for concern for pet owners. This is especially the case for people with older dogs. Sometimes, this is normal — some adult dogs, and even puppies, just breathe fast. But other times it’s not normal. It’s important to know the...

Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs

Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs

Nothing is worse than an itch that won’t go away. This is especially true when your pup is the itchy one. But not everyone wants to resort to medicine. To keep your dog comfortable, you should explore home remedies for itchy dogs. What’s Making Your Dog Itch There are...

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Foam – What Might It Mean?

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Foam – What Might It Mean?

It’s never fun when your dog is vomiting, of course. But when your beloved pet throws up yellow liquid, that can be downright scary. Why is this happening? Is a dog throwing up yellow foam a sign of a stomach ulcer, or something else serious? If this...

Everything You Need to Know About Worms in Dog Poop

Everything You Need to Know About Worms in Dog Poop

It’s probably not at the top of the list of things you want to do today, but take a good look at your dog’s fecal matter the next time they do their “business.” If you see worms in dog poop, see your vet immediately. This likely means your pooch is...

Finding Mucus In Dog Poop – Should You Be Concerned?

Finding Mucus In Dog Poop – Should You Be Concerned?

We have a keen eye for abnormalities in our dog’s health whether we notice our dog throwing up yellow foam, or we see odd things in their poop. Taking care of our four-legged friends can be incredibly rewarding, and there isn’t much you won’t do to keep...