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<hr style="display: inline-block;"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h2 class="blog-section-title">Recent Dog Breeds Articles</h2>
Goldendoodle 101: Info For The Dog Parent To-Be

Goldendoodle 101: Info For The Dog Parent To-Be

A quick Goldendoodle 101 course might be in order if you’re thinking of getting a puppy or adult belonging to this beautiful, friendly breed. The goldendoodle name, as you might expect, comes from the fact that the breed is a cross between the golden retriever and...

Dog Breeds: What You Should Know About The Italian Greyhound

Dog Breeds: What You Should Know About The Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound personality is what makes it one of the best pets you could ever bring into your home. It’s not the type of greyhound that might immediately come to mind – the one you might picture running at warp speed around a dog track. The Italian Greyhound...

Different Types Of Corgis (And Some Fun Facts About Them)

Different Types Of Corgis (And Some Fun Facts About Them)

There are two different types of Corgis – the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. These magnificent animals make loyal and affectionate pets. They also have a rich, impressive history. Here’s some information on the Pembroke and Cardigan breeds, as well...

Beagle Vs Basset Hound: What Are The Differences?

Beagle Vs Basset Hound: What Are The Differences?

Thinking about getting a new pet and wondering which breed you should adopt? If you’ve narrowed your choices down to a beagle vs basset hound, you may be wondering which puppy is best for you. Read on to discover a head-to-head comparison of these two equally charming...

General Health Information for your Miniature Schnauzer

General Health Information for your Miniature Schnauzer

Don’t you love those little bearded ladies… and gentlemen? The miniature schnauzer is one of the cutest pup breeds on the block. Not only are they cute, but they’re smart too. And you may have noticed your mini schnauzer is a bit of a clown. Indeed, schnauzers are...

General Health Information For Your Husky Dog

General Health Information For Your Husky Dog

Are you a pet parent to a husky dog? Read about general health information regarding your husky’s fur, skin, eyes, ears, etc. The more you know about husky health, the better. This knowledge can help you keep your husky energetic and healthy. Huskies are incredible...

A Quick Guide To The Golden Shepherd

A Quick Guide To The Golden Shepherd

The golden shepherd dog showers love and affection and is extremely intelligent. This golden retriever – German shepherd mix is also easy to train. It’s no wonder this clever dog is one of the more popular breeds. Golden Shepherd Health Like many dogs, the golden...