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Recent Cat Articles

Indoor Vs Outdoor Cat: What Should It Be?

The indoor vs outdoor cat debate has raged for years among pet owners. What do the experts say about the best way to keep your cat safe and happy? Let’s take a closer look. Cat And Kitten Care: The Indoor Vs Outdoor Cat Debate There are a lot of dangers that face cats...

How To Stop A Cat From Biting: Tips And Tricks

Does your cat bite? Biting may be a natural and normal way of communicating and playing between felines. But, that’s not how you want your kitty to interact with you. The relationship between your cat should not involve bites or scratches. Fortunately, cats can be...

Cute And Tiny Cat Breeds (That Stay Small)

If you wish your kitten would stay small and adorable forever, then here’s a secret for you: There are lots of tiny cat breeds that do. Many of them might even maintain that kitty flare for hijinks like playing, jumping, and cuddling. Read below to learn more about...

DIY Pets: Making a Cardboard Cat Scratcher at Home

Why bother making a “do it yourself” cardboard cat scratcher for your feline friend? Well, whether it’s a labor of love for your feline family member or a last-ditch effort to protect your furniture... it’s always a smart idea to get cat scratching under control. By...